consisting of three pivoting, centrally-joined upright turned supports capped with brass melon-form bosses and fitted with brass coat hooks; all joined by a detachable lower circular dish for umbrellas; good antique condition with overall even wear and patina
these unique carvings are from a Churulan Vallam, a traditional narrow boat used in the famous snake boat races of Kerala, South India and powered by approximately 45 people; the prow is carved as a "churul" meaning a ring out of local aini wood and adorned with incised carvings and applied metal embellishments; some missing metal elements with overall wear and abrasions; age cracks
in the neoclassical taste, the rectangular top with turret rear and front corners over a conforming body with 3 paneled long drawers flanked by fluted turrets; all raised on turned tapering supports ending in toupie feet; fitted with neoclassical-inspired brasses; professionally refinished with some replaced and re-glued veneer to top; overall even wear and patina
the arbalète-form top above a conforming body with 3 long drawers fitted with fine bronze pulls and escutcheons; over a shapely scalloped apron all raised on cabriole legs; professionally refinished with over all even wear and patina
a rare example of Anglo-Persian furniture and a jewel of a table adorned overall with fine shell, brass and copper inlay including intricate khatam marquetry; good antique condition; professionally restored with some replacements to inlay; overall even wear and rich patina
the round top with quarter edge molding above a shallow apron all raised on shapely cabriole supports; profusely decorated overall with polychrome and gilt flowers and foliage in the traditional manner; some infill to top; good antique condition with minor wear and chips; legs re-glued
the round top above a plain frieze apron fitted with a single drawer; raised on a tripod base of elegantly splayed and tapering supports with a waisted neck; good vintage condition with overall even wear and patina; minor repairs and re-gluing to veneer
this Roseville jardiniere on pedestal in the rare Florentine Pattern manufactured from 1923-1926, featuring a bulbous double-handled urn resting on a tapering pedestal ending on a splayed foot; adorned overall with egg-and-dart perimeter bands and cascading garland festoons; good antique condition with small chip to base and one handle; with fine glaze craquelure overall
the rectangular dish top with raised molded edge above a plain frieze apron above a rolled perimeter molding; raised on elegantly-shaped cabriole supports with shell carved knees all ending in pad feet; overall good sturdy construction with nice color; refinished with minor even wear
each of shapely baluster form with flaring neck above a bulbous body with a flared foot; hand-painted overall with iron-red floral and foliate vines and clusters with flying birds on the rear; raised on wooden bases; good overall condition with no chips or cracks; professionally rewired